วันจันทร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Current trends - Small, durable laptop for children

Recently, the computer industry has decided to shift the focus a bit 'younger demographic. No, not the technology-loving college kids, young people or those with infinite knowledge of the Internet. Instead, they are school children - aged six to 12

the largest manufacturer of PC World 's, HP recently announced the launch of its new Mini-Note PC laptop - a, strong, lightweight and inexpensive small computers primarily for children. More than likely,HP to produce the mini-decision notice is a direct result of the success of Asus Eee PC. Since its first publication last year, Asus' Eee PC has become a top seller. The miniature device with 7-inch screen (by the company as "Super Mobile Internet Device" instead of laptop) carved its niche by targeting middle school children. But, as is the case with every invention that is the unexpected success, the crop of imitators are nowSince maintenance of the market.

However, HP is the largest company certainly go far in the mini-notebook market with it. And their Mini-Note offers more features than the Asus Eee. The Mini-Note has a (9 inch) larger screen and a sleek anodized aluminum resistant. It has a scratch resistant display and the keys are coated with a protective lacquer. The HP Mini-Note keyboard is also bigger than the Asus keyboardEee - making it easier to use for adults. For durability, the Mini-Note includes HP 3D drive guard, which sends a signal to shut down the hard drive to sudden movements or shock (such as the fall). Other advantages of the Mini-Note has the Asus machine includes Wi-Fi and a USB disk. The Mini-Note is about $ 100 more than the Eee in the end, but a sale price of $ 499 (and more advanced models with extra$ 1,000).

Together to provide some competition for Asus, Mini-Note is also an attempt by HP to market to crush the field of education - one of the few markets in the computer giant does not own. Both Dell and Apple computers, schools may offer more HP, the company brings in a distant third. HP also recently announced the development of teachers' experiences, an online resource where teachers can access tutorials for teaching technology in the classroom. Together with theMini-note is that this initiative is to help educators, the name of HP on their heads.

For frame of the Mini-Note in particular the children of middle school, HP hopes to market to increase their share of education and, hopefully, experience the same success for Asus. For now, it will be interesting to see if the reference to the most elegant mini-Location is a bit cheaper Eee sales. In any case, both products are in fierce competition over the next Months, more companies are trying to cash in on the mini - laptop madness. Intel (which in fact Asus has hit out of the gate with its Classmate mini-computer) will release the next-generation Classmate, the disc has a 30GB hard disk and how the Mini-Note, a 9-inch LCD screen. It is said that Acer will be next in line, by opening a mini-computer with a lower price than Eee.

Although not yet commercially available, the HP> Mini-Note is available on the HP Web site.

